being well

healthier. better. happier.

Building up immunity.

Enhancing immunity has never been so important.

Regardless of whether the COVID vaccine has been received.

The immune system plays an extremely important role in our body. It is responsible not only for defense against pathogens. Its proper functioning is also necessary for the efficient elimination of toxins remaining in our body. The “garbage” accumulated in the body not only weakens our immunity but also significantly accelerates the aging process. It is also, in addition to emotional and psychological factors, the main cause of the development of cancer and other degenerative diseases. It can therefore be said that the immune system determines not only our health condition but also contributes to the preservation of youth.

Being Well wirusy

We live in a sea of viruses.

Over the past year, we have learned about the importance of a properly functioning immune system. Hardly anyone is aware that we actually live in a sea of viruses, bacteria and other pathogens that are unfavorable to us. Our immune system is exposed to them many times in one day. It works for us at full capacity every day and night. All this to keep us alive 🤍

Launching self-repair processes is a natural state for us.

The human body is so amazing that it can almost completely rebuild itself. For this, it has all the necessary information stored inside it. All we have to do is give it a little bit of support. The more we relieve our body and support it, the faster and more efficient this process will be. You can do this in many ways. One of them is to undergo treatments such as: Reiki, acupuncture, Chinese cupping massage, cupping, ear and navel candling, moxa, Gua Sha massage.

You can read more about treatments that strengthen immunity and improve the functioning of the entire body here:

Another area of support in terms of increasing the immunity of our body is changing the lifestyle, including, in particular, changing eating habits. An important element is also the skilful use of herbs and essential oils. You can read more about nutrition, phytotherapy and aromatherapy here.

The system of our beliefs has also a huge impact on the condition of our immune system. If you want to know more about it, please click here.