being well

healthier. better. happier.

Power of plants.

Plants have power.

We can say that all living beings on Earth have always been linked with nature – they are dependent on nature and the elements (i.e. air, water, fire, earth, space). For centuries people have been using the fruits of Mother Earth in the form of food (e.g. vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds), herbs (spices) or essential oils. Herbs in the form of teas or spices added to cooking are an extremely valuable source of ingredients supporting the proper functioning of our body, both on the physical and mental levels.


Factors impacting the power of plants.

The more natural the growing conditions of plants, the more powerful they are and the more desirable ingredients they contain. It is best when the plant grows “in the wild” – in its natural conditions, without human intervention. The factors supporting the proper growth of plants include soil rich in natural nutrients, adequate access to natural sunlight, good quality water, clean air, no electromagnetic radiation, no use of genetic modification, and chemical or unnatural fertilizers. These are, of course, ideal conditions, often difficult to achieve nowadays – even for organic produce.

Another determinant of plant power and nutrient content is the degree of processing the plant. The more natural the form of the plant is, the better (with some exceptions). The fresher the plant is, the more photons it contains, which also have a beneficial effect on our body. Freshly harvested organically grown plants are the most valuable (especially those from our garden!).


Man vs Mother Earth.

No variety of a man-made or genetically modified plant will ever be “better” for our body than the one naturally created by Mother Earth. Likewise, no man-made “drug” is as perfect as nature-made. Of course, there are cases where taking a drug is very advisable because usually, the drug is directional and acts faster – that’s why in acute and emergency conditions giving someone a proper drug can save a life. On the other hand, with chronic ailments, food therapy works much better.

How it is possible? The plants are ‘food wholes’. This means that they usually contain at least a dozen or so perfectly complementary active ingredients. They also contain plenty of auxiliary components which allow the active components do their job properly and effectively. Moreover, properly applied nutritional therapy does not cause side effects and does not burden internal organs – unlike drugs. For better and faster effects, nutrition therapy can be combined with the use of proper herbs, essential oils or supplements.